I’m so glad you found me. Now I can help you find YOU.
The world will tell you who you are suppose to be if you let them. But you found your way here because you are done with all that.
Your soul’s path is unique and creative and something deep down has been telling you this for years, but holy crap is that scary.
I get it, I was afraid of being fully myself and following my wild ideas too.
Afraid they wouldn’t work out. Afraid I would look crazy or weird. Even afraid that they WOULD work. I had a good dose of “can’t” and “not good enough” to spice up all that fear with some solid self-doubt.
I’m Jane Buresh
I help creative, soul seekers find and follow their own inner guidance and support system to start being themselves and creating their big dreams.
I found this place of trust, belief and living from intuition after my own BIG, GIANT FAILURES.
I had just enough belief in myself to try my ideas, to risk everything and open an art studio. BUT, I also had everyone else’s voice in my head. I tried to give a little bit of everything to everyone, to make my art and my business fit 100 different ideas - none of which were mine. After that business failed and closed I had one big question…
What am I suppose to be doing with my life?!
Which led to a million more questions, and my search to find all the answers from this magical place all the best coaches tell you to look - WITHIN.
But I wanted specific direction on how to find “everything within”. I don’t do well with vague “let your intuition guide you” instruction. I need to see it. So, I went looking and made my own map and instructions.
I wanted a map to help me avoid doubt (and failure) and skip right to total fulfillment and success.
(Apparently soul growth doesn’t happen that way)
We don’t get to know the final end point on the map of our life, because we get to create it!
I wanted the WHAT of my life.
Instead, I found the HOW.
How to find the next step
How to trust in the unknown
How to overcome self-doubt &
How to find a way through hurt, setbacks, failure, and fear.
I want to share the HOW with you!
I want to help you through the doubt and fear, but more importantly I want you to be so connected to yourself (your whole self, your soul self) that you don’t need me.
I believe*…
> that our soul self is giving us direction and purpose
> that our creativity connects us to our soul and guides us on our path
> that our subconscious is the connection point to unlimited resources
> that each of us is intuitive and creative
> that we get in the way of our greatest dreams through our thoughts and emotions
> we can heal and move through these blocks (thoughts and emotions) with honest creative expression and our intuitive guidance
* I’m never done learning, growing, and evolving but these remain at my core
I’m a soul, but human too…
As much as I love deep philosophical conversations and exploring the symbolism of our subconscious I’m also pretty down to earth. For example…
Cats love me (they can tell I’m extremely allergic and want nothing to do with them, it’s like catnip).
I come by my sarcasm naturally. (I passed it on to my children in large doses)
I have a terrible memory which is why I started working with the subconscious. (I wanted to be an archeologist, same thing right?!)
I’m teaching myself to play the violin and Hot Cross Buns is all I can remember by heart. (must be that memory issue)
I think in visuals and use metaphors & similes to explain everything. (I never metaphor I didn’t like)
I prefer acrylic painting because I’m impatient in my art making. Gouache is up there too but those dang tubes are hard to open. (just get on my palette already!)
I do pottery because I love the adventure of never knowing if hours of work will explode or not. (see, sarcasm)